Sabrina Palme from the University of Applied Sciences Georg Simon Ohm Nuremberg in Germany, studying at USC Sunshine Coast

Hi everyone!

My name is Sabrina and I am studying International Business at the University of Applied Sciences Georg Simon Ohm Nuremberg. As my studies involve a semester abroad, I decided to go to Australia to see a completely different culture and landscape and what I expected couldn’t keep up with how amazing this continent actually is! Instead of only doing a semester abroad I decided to do a Diploma in Business, which allowed me to participate in the Graduation Ceremony, a one of a kind experience. Furthermore, it provides a certificate worth one year of studying in Australia. For people who don’t want to do a complete Bachelor Double Degree, but are keen on getting some sort of acknowledgement for their efforts, this is the perfect solution.

The university itself is very modern and the connected campus is completely different compared to German universities. You easily bond with other students. It’s like a little separate world in the middle of a national park including happy kangaroos jumping around. The lecturers and tutors are extremely kind, courteous and try to assist you with your studies in every possible way. They even know their students by name, which creates a more personal basis of interaction.

Besides all the studies, this place on earth offers numerous other activities. As the time table usually allows you to do some day trips, you can either exercise climbing the glasshouse mountains from where you have an amazing view or simply relax, snorkel, surf or dive on one of the magnificent beaches. Having fun with friends and parties are also deeply integrated in the USC student’s everyday life.

All in all, I gathered plenty of unbelievable experiences, visited some of Australia’s most beautiful places and met heaps of friendly people from all around the world, with whom I am still in contact. Putting it all in a nutshell, I had the best time in Down Under and can highly recommend it.


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